Saturday, August 25, 2012

Elevating the Birch - Thank you Davis

Around 1999 or 2000 seven River Birch were planted at the lower end of the Lumberton Meadow. they have grown large.  Four of them are planted in the lawn and have mulch at the base.  In this picture the tree in the distance, 2nd from the right , is one of those in-lawn-and-mulched trees.  those four in-lawn trees have been elevated over the years.  The  other three,  that were planted in the meadow,  are now surrounded by mugwort and they were never elevated. Each of them had dozens of small branches hanging down.  After the first round of spraying we received a request to cut the small branches of those 3 birch because they were keeping the sprayers from  getting at the mugwort.  This morning Davis Henderson lopped off those dozens of small branches.     The photo below shows the three birches that Davisy trimmed and the  piles of small branches.  The distant tree in the center of photo shows a dark area behind it -- that's another pile of cut branches.

 The photo above shows the three birches that Davisy rimmed and the  piles of small branches.  The distant tree in the center of photo shows a dark area behind it -- that's another pile of cut branches.

Clearing the Lumberton Canoe Dock

Judy Norcross, along with Judy and Conant Atwood have cleared the path to the Lumberton Dock.   It's always necessary to be mindful of tides here.