Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Finally - Wildflowers April 19

It's been a long hard winter and spring is arriving late this year.   Migratory birds are about three weeks behind schedule, I've been told. 

On Saturday, April 19 it was about 50 degrees at 9:30.   Len and Dorothy Cebula, Bill Brown, Nancy Steelman, and Maggie Heineman walked along the Red Trail from the back parking lot, past the dock, to Meditation Garden and back through the courts to the Atrium.    There was lots of Skunk Cabbage, Spring Beautyy and Lesser Celandine, of course.  May Apples had buds- probably in bloom next week.   Blood Root, was not yet in bloom, but theres were quite a few plants along the Red Trail east of the road that goes down to the dock from Parking Lot A.   There were two colors of violets.   Volunteer Leatherleaf Mahonia is doing well along side Pebble Run -- and can be seen in several of the courts.

Bill Brown is going to be mapping where the plants were for future reference.

Looking back
 -- March 17, 2012 has photos of  Blood Root among other things.

-- April 6,  2013  we were complaining that spring was late -- but .the record shows that we saw Trout Lily on April 6 last year,  so spring was even later this year, 2014.

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